Had a fantastic week in NYC. HydraSafe Brake spoke at the ECNY event, which had a great turnout. Met new people, caught up with old friends, and grateful for the support and kindness from Greg DeCola and the board members.
Big thanks to Don Gelestino and the team at Champion Elevator for hosting HydraSafe Brake at their office to showcase our product line. Impressed by the professionalism of the group!
Visited various locations to assess our HydraSafe Brake product, and one elevator, in particular, reminded me of the Sears Tower days with its Westinghouse 3620 machine. A 10,000 lb. car at 1000 FPM, a perfect fit for the HydraSafe Brake, in one of the last buildings in the US with this machine. Kudos to Gary B, the resident maintenance tech onsite.
Looking ahead to next week, mark your calendars for October 22nd when HydraSafe Brake will be in Las Vegas working with our partners AES (Access Elevator & Escalator Supply) to set up distribution. Join us for a live demo of our product line, food, drinks, discussions on sales, installation, and inspection procedures. Visit us at noon next Tuesday to explore AES's new products and meet the team. See you there!
Wishing you a great weekend and stay safe.